
Granada Psychiatry

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest! There are several ways that you can could indicate your interest in becoming a patient.

– Submit your information on this website or


-You may also try to reach me directly by phone or by email, however please be aware that I usually respond to messages within one business day.

 I see patients from 7 years old till 99 years old. I am comfortable treating patients who are children, adolescents, adults and geriatric patients.


Yes or no. Unfortunately, it is difficult to immediately know if we will be a direct fit with one another.

While we are experienced in a number of treatments and modalities, I will have to meet with you for a consultation to determine the appropriateness to the clinic.

After one to two sessions, we can make the decision together. While I am a great fit for some, I am happy to work with you on finding an appropriate provider if necessary!

 yes we are credentialed with many insurances and will also take cash payment options for people who do not want to go through the insurance avenue.

I am delighted to share that I engage in telemedicine/telepsychiatry consultations and appointments! This secure platform allows treatment sessions to take place via a video screen, accessible on your personal phone, tablet, or laptop. It’s now a valuable treatment alternative for times when you might feel uncomfortable leaving your home or have a hectic schedule. I’m committed to accommodating your schedule and ensuring you receive the treatment you deserve, no matter where you are!

Feel free to contact us directly!

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